Come Share My Stories, Told Through Pictures ART IS MAGIC and MAGIC IS ART
IONA MILLER WEB PRESENCE WHAT’S NEW: Updated 8-2009 PERPETUAL MENU: ionamiller.iwarp.com
http://www.facebook.com/iona.miller Join me on Facebook WORDS AND IMAGES THAT EMANATE FROM THE HEART, PENETRATE THE HEART. As a multimedia artist, I wanted a place to display the photos that tell autobiographical stories about my interdimensional experiences and adventures, both real and imaginal. I am currently using a Nikon 8 megapixel camera. I'm having more and more fun confounding my digital expert friends. Working with pure imagery to evoke atmospheres and other realms ~ past, present and future ~ is a pure joy and great counterpoint to my intellectual work.
2006, I am collaborating with Merlyn Morgan on a one hour DVD art/music film on Tarot,using my artwork. The VISUAL META-SYN suite (see Links Page) illustrates my new collabo book HEARTSTRINGS: NONLOCAL HEALING with Dr. Marshall F. Gilula. They are an experiment in embodying my impressionistic inner visualizations of the abstract processes of energetic healing and quantum biofeedback - to provide a window on the inner world of the distance healer. Perhaps you will resonate with some of them.
NEW 9/2005 VIEW: Animated electronic infinity portrait of Iona by international multimedia artist Philip Wood: http://www.sign69.com/medialounge/space543.html Media ecology means recycling your images. The ecology of the soul is to cycle your consciousness.
"In Propaganda, Jacques Ellul contends that it is the total culture in action that is propaganda, or teaching. Thus, real propaganda is environmental and invisible, like the perceptual bias of one's native language. The counterenvironments created by the artist serve to raise these hidden environments to the level of conscious appreciation." --From Cliche to Archetype (77)
STATE OF THE ART: The cry of Post-Postmodern art is "Stop! We've had enough!" We're full of data glut and quick-cut image glut. We've Flashed into a collective spasm that verges on panic. We can't fight or flee the technological juggernaut, and why should we? We can use it as our medium for self-expression, joyously making technological and experiential works, body-based works, and mythopoetic works. They aren't machine-made; they are informed, considered executions of our vision, not just mechanical programs or aesthetic accidents.
Art connected to Source and the zeitgeist of its times has a living taproot in the matrix of evolution. Our works "work" when they work themselves through our culture, based on that culture's underlying psychological need. They become meaningful if perceived as carrying revelatory weight that somehow illuminates our collective lives. They may not be "true", but good things come of this generative vision, reaffirming and celebrating our humanity. To be art, it just has to be significant.
As artists, we use our own experiential vision to create perceptual embodiments in our medium of choice. We can still take a fresh look at the world, inspired by the entire spectrum of human artistic endeavor, without resurrecting or imitating the past, but taking it that strategic step further with contextualized elements.
We have attained a degree of technological sophistication to open most, if not all, of the new realms to the creative process. Unexplored media include truly tactile virtual reality, and various levels of induced altered awareness, such as hypnotism, which assault as many of the senses as possible in order to break open the door of the five senses and drive our audience into the infinitude beyond, newer vistas of participatory experience and expression.
STATE OF THE HEART: Higher art must be intensely personal while being universal and universally accessible. It must show refined knowledge, understanding and respect for the art that has come before to enrich those around us. Much the same can be said for an artfully and heartfully lived life. We can apply a similar strategy to our spirituality, drawing on the best of what the past offers while keeping our practice and service contemporary and relevant. Our lives become multidimensional artful expressions without frames, embodied in living Light.
Process-oriented spirituality is eclectic and intensely personal. The connection we have with the inspirational Source that nourishes creative life is the same source that sustains our spirits and funds our compassion. It is a deep well from which we can drink at will, the abundant lifesprings of our essential being. The Romantics, arguably beginning with Blake, turned art into a kind of substitute for religion. The East emphasizes a mystical-magical orientation, the West a humanist-rationalist POV. Romanticism is an essentially Gnostic spirituality, a Mystery religion. But now there is no intergenerational priesthood to have our visions for us; we have them for ourselves.
Rather than antiscientifically considering cognition and technofacility an anti-artistic dirty little secret, digital art and multimedia embrace the fusion. There is no Romantic terror of human cognition nor need for antitechnical transcendence. Knowledge is power...over yourself. Mind your mind; control yourself. There is no artificial distinction between the pursuit of knowledge and self-knowledge and aesthetics.
My Ionasphere Homepage remains at http://ionamiller.org
Follow the links here to the motherload of my work from metaphysics, to healing, to future science. Also, be sure to check my 2006 UPDATES at http://ionatopia.50megs.com and http://ionamillerupdates.50megs.com Chaos Magic UPDATES page at http://ionamiller.chaosmagic.com for my latest article postings or solicit prepublication articles.
Joseph Campbell's art comment "The object becomes aesthetically significant when it becomes metaphysically significant," misses the point that in the Information Age, the ground is as or more important than the figure, and both are irreducibly metaphysical in their very essence, a virtuality. AESTHETIC ARREST is found in the unimaginable grandeur of virtual photon fluctuation creating the continuous illusion of manifestation with a negentropic basis: the void/plenum in continuous emergent manifestation as Light: everything everywhere forever. |
4/06 NEW WEBSITE: KNOW BROW ART http://knowbrowart.50megs.com Neither High-brow nor Low-Brow, the Electronic Arts are "KNOW-Brow Art" born of our fusion with technology. In the middle of the forehead, neither high nor low is the Third Eye of inner or visionary sight. Electronic arts, by their very nature, require a great deal of technical knowledge to interface with computer-assisted media. Know Brow art respects and draws from both classical art and that of the underground or street. Digital Media include still frames, Flash, and desktop digital movies, often incorporated with other media, installation, and performance.
3/06 NEW WEBSITE: MIND CONTROL http://mindcontrol.chaosmagic.com Do I t Yourself Mind Control. Self-care and Self-regulation is the antidote to corporate and sociopolitical mind control. Do it yourself, or somebody else will. Rototill your belief system; don’t be a sheeple, people. Paramedia Ecology; Paradigm Shift; Freestyling, Persuasion, Coercion, Hypnosis, etc.
2/2006 NEW WEBSITE: DIGITAL UNIVERSE http://digitaluniverse.50megs.com 1/26/06 NEW ANIMATION OF IO ART http://www.sign69.com/medialounge/space721.html “Blue Elf Magick”: Hyperdelic animation of digital fine art and pix from Albert Hoffman 100th B-day party, Basel, Switzerland, Jan 11, 2006. Io collabo with electronic artist Philip Wood, France.
1/2006 NEW WEBSITE: PSIONA Psionics, parapsycology, paraphysics. http://psiona.50megs.com 12/2005 NEW WEBSITE: THE PHOTONIC HUMAN From the Heart of Darkness springs the Light, and we are That. Virtual Photon Fluctuation is the Source of the photons that form and sustain our Being. We are truly Light Beings: Homo Lumen. We literally inhabit and embody a Temple of Living Light, which is interconnected with the deepest level of Cosmos. We are shiny Diamonds of Rainbow Light. We are made in the Images of that Brilliance. Shine On! In the Effulgence of its Brilliance. http://photonichuman.50megs.com 10/2005
NEW WEBSITE: KABBALAH LUMINATA As a digital artist I paint with LIGHT; as a Qabalist I practice in the Temple of Living Light. Recently discontent with static and Flash imagery alone, I have begun venturing into the world of filmmaking. Comes see some of the art frames I have prepared for animation at my new Kabbalah Luminata Portal at http://kabbalahluminata.50megs.com 9/2005
PUBLISHING Iona’s painting “The Diamond Body”, plus commentary in Science-Art art book; see http://www.science-art.com.au/ and http://science-art-usa.50megs.com THE TRUE MEANING OF THE DAVINCI CODE By Robert Pope; ISBN 0-9577784-7-3 (155 pgs) Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Inc., 2005 By adhering to a mechanistic worldview, Western civilization is on a path to extinction, says Science-Art philosopher Robert Pope. The ancient knowledge passed on by the Greeks upheld a survival science, a “Savior science” that was misinterpreted by Leonardo Ad Vinci but was privately understood by Isaac Newton. In response to Dan Brown’s The da Vinci Code, Pope hopes to set the record straight by returning to the atomistic philosophy of the ancient Greek scholars such as Plato and Philo. Plato’s worldview is much more akin to a holographic reality, Pope argues. The “true meaning of the code”, he suggests, relates to atomic movement creating evolutionary wisdom, and he points out some classic examples of Renaissance art that communicate this truth.
ART WRITING Jungian Psychology Cut-Up ESSAY on artist GENESIS P-ORRIDGE: PandroGENy: A Love Story of Gender Reunion ~The Yab-Yummy Way of Imagination. http://ionamiller.chaosmagic.com/catalog.html “The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its purposes through him. As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist he is 'man' in a higher sense - he is 'collective man,' a vehicle and molder of the unconscious psychic life of mankind.” (Carl Jung, Psychology and Literature, 1930)
NEW 7/05: MANDALA ANIMATIONS http://onenationundergods.com/mandala.html
Coming Attractions: NONLOCAL HEALING is both a co-authored book and series of articles in the works with a Miami Neuropsychiatrist and distance healer. http://heartstringsbook.50megs.com http://cyberdoctv.com
Also coming, BEYOND MK ULTRA, co-authored with Charles Stone, Chief Deputy to Dr. Carl Schleicher in Mankind Research Foundation. After his military career in psiops, Schleicher opened Mankind Research Unlimited, a parapsychology and alt.healing SRI or IONS type thinktank. In the 1980s, he was exposed as the creator of the deployable human cyborg or Manchurian Candidate, and is the likely model of the X-Files “Cigarette Man”. See “Getting Blood from a Stone” http://tigernews2005.50megs.com/photo2.html http://tigernews2005.50megs.com/photo3.html
I went to Amsterdam in mid-May '05 for the Nexus Magazine Euro-conference. having thoroughly enjoyed the Brisbane, Australia trip and points beyond. Check nexusmagazine.com for further conference details. Coming: Anaheim, then Sedona/Phoenix art tour.
Iona Miller is the featured artist in Zora Von Burden's new anthology of interviews THE LUX ARTILLERY: An Arsenal of Exceptional Women. http://theluxartillery.chaosmagic.com See my ART JUMPS THE CANVAS at http://gartelmiami.50megs.com/custom4.html |
Iona's Books & CDs
THE MODERN ALCHEMIST: A Guide to Personal Transformation, Phanes, 1994.
THE MAGICAL & RITUAL USE OF PERFUMES, Destiny 1990(ITI), published in English, Hebrew, German, and Br. Portuguese.
PSYCHEDELICS RE-IMAGINED, Anthology, Autonomedia "Chaos As the Universal Solvent". Introduction by Timothy Leary.
Io CDs: Hypnotic CDs now available for "Relieve Stress & Anxiety" and "Confirmed NonSmoker". Also ask about my psychotronic Flash animations of my original sacred geometry paintings, suitable for video meditation. I recommend STILLNESS of MIND by Scott Raposa as the accompanying musical CD, available at raposamusic.com
Email Iona Miller
Check out the Links
Be sure to visit my links page here to connect with more of my Art Writing, multimedia and other projects. Have You Been to the Paradox?I consider myself a SCIENCE-ARTIST: I write about quantum theories of consciousness, but when we make a personal quantum leap the language of science fails, and we must use the contextual language of mysticism, or the graphic depictions of art. Often I am trying to embody and convery the visionary experience of my inner world through symbolic, impressionistic or abstract renderings that resemble my inner vision as much as possible.
This interface is the locus of the jump from the linear to the nonlinear, from the ego to psyche (spirit and soul), and from "knowing about" to "knowing by virtue of identity with" reality.
WE ARE THAT. Art is the objective embodiment of the subjective imaginal reality we are all immersed in. ************** NEW: Iona’s art and commentary is included in the new Science-Art art book (see http://science-art-usa.50megs.com)
THE TRUE MEANING OF THE DAVINCI CODE By Robert Pope Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Inc., 2005 ISBN 0-9577784-7-3 (155 pgs)
By adhering to a mechanistic worldview, Western civilization is on a path to extinction, says Science-Art philosopher Robert Pope. The ancient knowledge passed on by the Greeks upheld a survival science, a “Savior science” that was misinterpreted by Leonardo Ad Vinci but was privately understood by Isaac Newton.
Da Vinci was an “Unbalanced genius” according to Professor Pope, and by “inadvertently” obscuring the “principle of creation” he helped bring into existence a mechanistic mindset that is now accelerating a global crisis of destruction. He made the ultimate mistake by suggesting that all of the universe could be made visible to human perception, and yet the Greeks, and other ancients before them, identified with a universal reality in which harmonious, invisible atomic movement generated divine wisdom.
In response to popular novels like Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, Pope hopes to set the record straight by returning to the atomistic philosophy of the ancient Greek scholars such as Plato and Philo. Plato’s worldview is much more akin to a holographic reality, Pope argues. The “true meaning of the code”, he suggests, relates to atomic movement creating evolutionary wisdom, and he points out some classic examples of Renaissance art that communicate this truth. Furthermore, he says, the quest of the Knights Templar was bound up in ensuring that the wisdom of this code would not be lost. In this escapade through the philosophies of the ages, Pope reassesses our technocentric society and posits a better way to achieve true democracy and peace.
Review, Nexus Magazine, Sept-Oct, 05, p. 72

Temple of Living Light
The bulk of my work still resides at IONATOPIA 2007 and Collected Works site, including links to Synergetic Qabala, Asklepia, Syndex, Dreamhealing, Psychogenesis, Pantheon, Holistic Qabalah, CHAOSOPHY Journal, consciousness studies, chaos theory, and new physics. IONATOPIA PORTALS 2008 I now have three main Homepages with menus, because I've had to move on as each filled to capacity. The original is IONASPHERE 2000: ionamiller.org 2000-2007 is here IONATOPIA 2007: ionatopia.50megs.com 2008 and full menu is here MENU: http://ionamiller2008.iwarp.com SOCIAL NETWORKS FACEBOOK TRIBE people.tribe.net/ionamiller BLOG: people.tribe.net/ionamiller MySpace: www.myspace.com/ionamiller GAIA: psiona.gaia.com Gaian Ambassador www.emergentmind.org JNLRMI Associate Editor My portals each contain one main subject and are compilations of my writing on those topics. NEW SITES: CREATIVE PROCESS http://creativeprocess.iwarp.com SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY http://spiritualalchemy.iwarp.com THE MODERN ALCHEMIST http://the-modern-alchemist.iwarp.com MAGICAL PERFUME BOOK http://magicalperfume.iwarp.com ~SUPER SCIENCE~ Spiritual Physics spiritualphysics.50megs.com Virtual Physics virtualphysics.50megs.com My Zero Point myzeropoint.50megs.com/ Photonic Human photonichuman.50megs.com EmBEDded Holograms http://embeddedholograms.iwarp.com Psiona Parapsychology psiona.50megs.com Beyond MK Ultra - MRU beyondmkultra.50megs.com Climate 2012 climate2012.50megs.com Neurotheology neurotheology.50megs.com Paramedia Ecology ionaparamedia.50megs.com Biophysics biophysics.50megs.com Iona Brainstorm ionabrainstorm.50megs.com Electronic Voice Phenomena evp2007.50megs.com Espionage Central espionagecentral.50megs.com Occult Espionage occultespionage.50megs.com Mind Control for Dummies mindcontrolfordummies.50megs.com Bacon is Shakespeare baconisshakespeare.50megs.com Triangle Book of St. Germain trianglebook.50megs.com ~SOUL SUPPORT~ Conscious Alchemy consciousalchemy.50megs.com Creativity creativeprocess.iwarp.com Chaosophy Journal chaosophy.50megs.com The Modern Alchemist Book http://the-modern-alchemist.iwarp.com Temple of Living Light templeoflivinglight.50megs.com Emergent Healing emergenthealing.50megs.com Edgeworks Hypnosis edgeworkshypnosis.50megs.com Mythic Living mythicliving.iwarp.com Harmonic Continuum harmoniccontinuum.50megs.com Synergetic Qabala http://synergeticqabala.iwarp.com Magical Perfume Book http://magicalperfume.iwarp.com Energy Psychology energypsychology.50megs.com Dreamhealing Book dreamhealing.iwarp.com Spiritual Alchemy SuperPortal http://spiritualalchemy.iwarp.com We all know that art is not the truth, art is a lie that makes us realize the truth. ~Picasso ~IO ART~ IONATOPIA 2007: ionatopia.50megs.com IONASPHERE 2000: ionamiller.org Pop Occulture popocculture.50megs.com Know Brow Art knowbrowart.50megs.com Digital Universe digitaluniverse.50megs.com Kabbalah Luminata kabbalahluminata.50megs.com Science-Artificers Guild, Int'l http://science-artificer.iwarp.com Science-Art Renaissance science-art-usa.50megs.com Sacred Geometry sacredgeometry.50megs.com Iona Miller ionamiller.50megs.com Iona Miller Art ionamillerupdates.50megs.com ESPIONAGE SERIES The Spywhisperer http://spywhisperer.iwarp.com Espionage Central espionagecentral.50megs.com Occult Espionage occultespionage.50megs.com Mind Control for Dummies mindcontrolfordummies.50megs.com Beyond MK Ultra - MRU beyondmkultra.50megs.com Psiona Parapsychology psiona.50megs.com Paramedia Ecology ionaparamedia.50megs.com Ionatopia ionatopia.50megs.com/photo2_2.htm Iona is published by Phanes Press, Destiny Books(Inner Traditions International), Autonomedia, Nexus Magazine, Paranoia zine, Dream Network Journal, Pop Occulture, Alchemy Journal, Journal of Nonlocality and Remote Mental Interactions, Chaosophy Journal, Weiser, DNA Monthly, Bolero and more.